Are we falling out of love with brands?

Well, it’s hard to say. According to the research hive study, 1 in 2 consumers admit not being emotionally attached to any brand in the super market. Instead, they claim to have a number of brands that they trust and prefer. This is especially so for the youngest (18-24 y.o.) & the eldest targets (55-65 y.o).

Trying to find the answers amongst those brand lovers, we were surprised to see that rational criteria had entered the love equation. A brand that has good value for money (even if it doesn’t offer the best possible quality) has high chances of winning consumers hearts.

Love is one thing yet loyalty is another. Only 24% stay loyal to the brand they love, purchasing it every single time. The rest decide to take their chances with other temptress brands

It seems that a brand today cannot but take into consideration the need to facilitate consumers, enabling them to enjoy the brand that they love in their everyday life.

On the other hand, consumers were in position to detect inspiring brands, brands they may not embrace in their everydayness, but hold admiration for them. What were those most motivating brand features? Younger targets appreciate design, style and fit to own lifestyle. We have indications that escapism, uniqueness and positive mood is a trigger for 25-34.

Older targets appreciate trust & reliability, while economy re-appears as an inspiring element for 55-64, who seem to maintain a flatter relationship with brands vs other targets.


Generation Y Part II: Reaching out to Generation Y

So what are the key words to have in mind when addressing Generation Y?

Causes: Generation Y bond better to brands that support social causes. This generation need to feel good about brands they buy, and feeling good with brands today has shifted from how the brand makes me look . . .to what story the brand tells about me as a person.

Process: Generation Y relate more to the way products are designed and build rather than the product itself. So let them in behind the scenes, show them how the product is actually made. . .or in the best case . . .ask their advice, and co-create together.

24/7: this generation will not wait for tomorrow. When they seek information or even to buy a products, this has to be now! So stay connected, make products available to them the moment they want them.

Experiences: Generation Y are dedicated to living their life to the fullest, that’s why they respond best to brand that promise them a “once in a lifetime experience”.

Future: this generation is not interested in what you have done in the past, in fact past glories are often scrutinized by Generation Y as “those that brought us here”. So think ahead and promise them how your brand will enrich their life in the near future.

Understate: Generation Y thrive on being the first to discover and share. So be discrete about your brand, understate its worth and allow Generation Y the joy of discovering your brand themselves. The impact of their voice will be worth what you understate.

Bite sized info: this generation can pay attention to and digest only bite sized information. So consider the length of your message or posts. Be concise and to the point.

Transparency: Generation Y are great at reading behind the lines. So be transparent, be yourself, look them in the eye and tell them your true brand story.

Freebies: Generation Y love giveaways, and they want instant gratification. Offer them something free or at little costs that they can take away right now.

Talk digital: Generation Y live a connected life. So make sure your website is always up to date and accessible. Respond promptly and in their text language, take the initiative to direct them to other sources of information on the Web and stay on top of your online reputation.

Pictures: Generation Y live in a visual world, a world in which your brand ought to have an identity if it is to address the specific generation. So say your brand story in pictures, and consider visual context if your are to communicate and bond with this generation.


Generation Y Part I: What you definitely need to know about Generation Y

Born between late 1980’s till the early 2000’s, Generation Y currently comprise one of the most sizable consumer segment, while it is estimated that within the next decade they will outnumber all other consumer groups combined.

The significance of Generation Y however, goes beyond their numerical size, to structural difference in attitude and behavior which tend to affect all of us, challenging basic marketing principles.

The two key pillars that make Generation Y so much more different than their predecessors are that:

  1. They are the first “digital natives” – people born and raised in the peak of the technological boom, who cannot imagine life without an ongoing stream of information and a continuous connection on the web
  2. They are the first “downwardly mobile” generation – people who had it all and lost it all

The result, is the emergence of a highly educated generation, empowered and market savvy, but full of emotional and behavioral contradictions.

Generation Y are impatient and eager, demanding instantaneous gratification for any effort. They don’t believe in building for the future and they don’t want to wait. They want what they want. . .and they want it now.

They are natural multitaskers, living simultaneously in a multi-screen environment. This renders them little to no attention span, since according to Medina, author of “Brain Rules” we are biologically incapable of processing attention-rich inputs simultaneously.

Needless to say, this generation has moved all its media consumption online, where they process information on a more intuitive level, responding better to short, sharp messages.

Generation Y sees the world in pixels. They are far better at digesting and expressing themselves through visual context. Pictures for Generation Y have deeper meaning and are more reflective of emotions than text will ever be.

Experiences and opportunity for adventures are big with Generation Y, and rank much higher in their preference than the acquisition of goods.

For this generation it’s more about the journey and less the destination.

Generation Y does not want to be sold to, they catch on to and immediately dismiss advertising gimmicks. What they do appreciate is true, authentic brands who build consistent brand stories.

Vs. their elder counterparts, Generation Y are less brand conscious. They take a more distant stance to brands, and relate to them in a more pragmatic manner. Furthermore, the meaning of brand for this generation has shifted from symbolic cues to more intangible values like free time, unique media content and support of philanthropic causes.

They are great ambassadors, they personally take on the responsibility of recommending, praising, punishing and warning against . . . products, brands, services. Whether good or bad, you can rest assured that this generation will spread the word in an extrapolated voice.

“Word of mouth . . .or mouse” is big with Generation Y, since they embrace brands that are recommended by and popular amongst others like themselves.

Things you should know about Moms Today

  • Moms feel frustrated many times within a day
  • Moms are charged with the role of keeping the balance at home amidst the crisis, they are the ones absorbing the tension
  • Moms allow themselves little luxuries that connect them with their past, awaken the positive emotions experienced pre-crisis
  • Moms feel quite relieved their children understand all about the crisis
  • Yet, moms experience guilts when they cannot fulfill their kids’ desires
  • Moms tend to lean on one another to perform their beauty tasks
  • Moms usually give in to their children requests when shopping in the s/m
  • Moms are so tired of having to think about everything. What they would do, once the crisis is over, is stop thinking and take some time for themselves